September 21, 2008


Many people do not play the game of golf, and there is very good reason for that. It's easily, in my opinion, the hardest sport to perform well. Now, that isn't saying you can't have fun unless you're Tiger Woods, but no one likes to take one something with the intent of failing. This is, after all, a sport, the most noble of competitions.

I am a fan of the game, but I am more excite about spending 5 hours outside drinking beer with friends than about the golf. The reason is very simple: I am not a very good golfer. You'd think that someone who caddied for 10 years and got his current position of employment from someone whom he used to caddy for that I'd at least be decent. But I'm not. I blame the equipment, good golfers blame my bad swing and excitable nature out there.

Tomorrow I'm taking the day off to play in a charity golf event. I'm pretty excited at the prospect of spending a Monday in a golf car rather than behind my computer at work. I like to think of it as an intense course (no pun intended) in Executive Management and Boozing. Hopefully the pressure to not get too frustrated will help with my game. Either way, it's still a great way to start off the week.

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