December 19, 2010

Holidaze Happiness

This week is my favorite week of the year. Just look at this schedule:

Monday, December 20th – Orlando Siblings Birthday Bowling Bash

Wednesday December 22nd – Braggin Rights game Illinois vs Missouri

Friday December 24th – Christmas Eve

Saturday December 25th – Jesus returns to Earth to buy an iPad and get in line for the post holiday sales

What I love most about this week is that the closer you get to the holidays everyone seems to be in a good mood. (For myself this was particularly true this year since I got all of my shopping done much earlier in the year than in prior years. I’ve been done for almost 2 weeks now, and after driving past the stores the afternoon I couldn’t be more relieved that this is the case. ) Last night my neighbors had a holiday party and it was just a fabulous time. Delicious baked goods, adult beverages, and holiday cheer were all in abundance for everyone to enjoy. While I only knew a handful of people there, it was still very easy to chat up a conversation with total strangers. There is something about this time of year that just seems to get people into a good mood. Honest – I do believe that it was all holiday spirit and had nothing to do with the delicious libations that everyone was consuming in excessive quantities. Altruistic or not, it makes a better story.

So as you’re bouncing around the stores last minute looking for that perfect gift before settling on a gift card, remember that you should be all smiles while you’re doing it.

December 11, 2010

Hold the Coffee

I believe I’m one of only 15 people in the entire Chicagoland who does not drink coffee. I’m not referring to just having a cup once in a while – I don’t drink it period. Upon learning this fact, the most common response I hear is “What do you do for caffeine in the morning?” For the longest time it was nothing – I just wake up and go about my day. Now, take that with a grain of salt because I’m a horrible morning person; I have to set my alarm for 7 am if I want to make sure I’m out of bed by 8, and even that is a chore. But as I approach my 31st birthday I felt it was time to maybe mix up the routine a little bit.

Staring after Turkeypalooza I’ve been drinking a black tea in the morning at the office. I have noticed the caffeine effect of the black tea, and it’s actually been helpful in starting the day. But what I like about the tea as opposed to anytime I’ve ever tried coffee is it provides that feeling that jolt of caffeine. It’s a slow, soothing warm greeting – a gentle hug as opposed to a slap in the face. It’s enjoyable – especially since the heat at the office was out for the better part of this week.

December 05, 2010

Happy Holidaze!

Happy Holidays! It’s the best season of the year, so I highly suggest you get out your credit cards, get into the 4-wheel drive sleigh and go spend your way to happiness for your loved ones.

In all seriousness, I love the holidays. I just put up my little Christmas Tree and I couldn’t be happier right now. I don’t care that it’s only a 3” tree and sits on my kitchen counter. Just seeing it out there puts me into the holiday spirit. Which is why I want to head out and shop. I mean, spread holiday cheer with giving. Or something. Meh, give me a glass of cider and bourbon and I think I’ll watch Elf instead. So wait, is the holiday season about spending, giving, or indulgence in food and the subsequent laziness? We’ll go with yes.

November 28, 2010

Back from Beyond

Wow – I can’t believe it’s been this long since I’ve posted over here. Actually, I can believe it. When I started this blog back in the day, I had this altruistic notion that I’d post on it twice a week and lots of people would be anxiously awaiting what I had to say about this and that. Oh, what a fool I was. Between work, training for a marathon, and other excuses for not following through on something, I just for some reason always found something better to do.

But what still sticks with me is this notion that by publishing what amounts to random nonsense on the Internet will lead to fame. It certainly isn’t the reason why I’m doing this, but it’s a thought that definitely sticks in the back of my mind. That is the one truly remarkable thing on the Internet; not how it connects millions of people to porn almost instantly, but rather it helps facilitate everyone’s Hollywood dream of being famous.

Do I expect these sporadic posts of mine to lead to a sitcom on CBS? Not really. I am doing this really just to entertain people, mostly myself. And if the right person does find this amusing, please leave your info in the comments section and I’ll get back to you by the next time I post something. Hopefully it’s within a year.