December 05, 2010

Happy Holidaze!

Happy Holidays! It’s the best season of the year, so I highly suggest you get out your credit cards, get into the 4-wheel drive sleigh and go spend your way to happiness for your loved ones.

In all seriousness, I love the holidays. I just put up my little Christmas Tree and I couldn’t be happier right now. I don’t care that it’s only a 3” tree and sits on my kitchen counter. Just seeing it out there puts me into the holiday spirit. Which is why I want to head out and shop. I mean, spread holiday cheer with giving. Or something. Meh, give me a glass of cider and bourbon and I think I’ll watch Elf instead. So wait, is the holiday season about spending, giving, or indulgence in food and the subsequent laziness? We’ll go with yes.

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